i never want you to forget this experience for as long as you live...

if you're trying to scream "i do!!!!" to the waves of lake superior, snowshoe to a cabin deep in the woods for the most magical snowy getaway, sip cocktails at your fav distillery, or run to taco bell and ch-elope-a (see what i did there?)

i. am. your. girl.

it's not every day that you get to have a photographer follow you around (unless you're a celeb or something), so why not make it FUN?! we can stop for coffee or hit up a thrift store before your session, idk, i'm really up for anything! 

stay true to you, though. if you don't LIKE taco bell (LOL preposterous, i know)... well, then, you prob shouldn't get married at one. i want to know who you are  -  in all of your awkward, silly, loud, sarcastic, crazy, taco-bell-dissing glory. 

i'm not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am type of photographer, alright?! everything i do is intentional. i want to know your story, what makes your heart beat. i don't want to tell you to "look at me" and "smile at the camera"... that's not my style and if you've made it this far, i'm guessing it's not yours either. i want to capture authentic moments between you and your partner. unscripted.

i'm not a noob though, i'm super aware that it can be a little scary getting in front of the camera at first (i'll be honest i'm the worst at having my photo taken), but i promise after a few minutes, you'll forget about that and wonder why the heck you aren't pursuing your modeling career. i'll do whatever i can to help make you comfortable - whether that's music, jokes, directing your pose, or just leaving you alone to wallow in your love. whatever your love language is, i'll speak it!

still not sure if you're ready to book with me?? no prob, i'll break it down so you can be 1,000% sure that i am the absolute best photographer for you and your lifestyle!

we will be a
perfect match if you are

laid back

okkkk so laid back definitely doesn't mean unprepared - it just means that if things don't go quite as planned, you're ready to just go with the flow. when you look back on your wedding day, what do you want to remember? how stressed you were because of the rain? how the cake didn't show up on time so you begrudgingly had to eat the cookies that aunt susan baked for the rehearsal? no, you want to remember the love that you felt. the bliss. the happiness. listen - your dress is bound to get dirty, your hair will most likely fall out and your makeup might smear but you're still going to be drop dead gorgeous, your day is still going to be EPIC and you know what else? i'll be there every step of the way to help you out with those little things so that you can kick back a couple of beers and enjoy every single moment.


i'm not asking you to hike 10 miles and summit some huge mountain peak (unless you want to, i'm cool with that)... but i like to get a little off the beaten path. that doesn't always mean the forest or the lake... as much as i love this planet (i mean honestly there is no better backdrop), sometimes i like to think outside of the box. picture a random dumpster in the middle of nowhere or a wall covered in graffiti. sounds strange, but you gotta trust the process and if you're willing to take my lead, i pinky promise that we will create some really wonderful memories together. besides, wouldn't it be cool to have unique photos of your day rather than the same photos you see on pinterest over and over? oh! and if you have a creative vision of your own, i am soooooo down with that!! 


this goes without saying. i've talked a lot about how important nostalgia is to me so it only makes sense that it should also be important to you. photos are meant to freeze a moment in time; to capture a memory that would otherwise be lost. when you look at your photos i want you to feel them. i want you to flip through the pages of your album, be transported back to that exact moment and remember how unapologetically, unequivocally in love  you were. i can photoshop a lot of stuff, but i can't photoshop your love and neither can you. so let's take this experience and make it an unforgettable one. 

we are ready to book!!